How To Get Max Drow Aura Dmg

Not Updated For Current Season

Checks Drow Ranger's agility periodically and adapts the bonus damage instantly. Activating Precision Aura does not place a buff on allied ranged creeps, it instead makes the aura affect them as well. This means that creeps summoned or spawned after the activation still get the bonus for the remaining duration. Jan 07, 2017  Shadow blade sucks for escaping, everyone with half a brain will carry dust. Until late game when they have no slots. Just get hurricane pike and position well with your gust too and you'll be much better off. There are two drow builds basically, one is max agility for aura, single target damage.

This guide has not yet been updated for the current season. Please keep this in mind while reading. You can see the most recently updated guides on the browse guides page

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How To Get Max Drow Aura Dmg
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hi itz my guide to drow ranger
she's strong semi-carry, also can work as hard-carry thanks to aura and frost arrowsHow


at start you wanna take some regen and stats, traxas have good animations so only what you need to lasthit is dmgcombinate some of this
early core:
for some hp and as
for cool random critz
maybe this for some stats
if you buy 3 gg-branches at start or small wand
now you cant build w/e if it does dmg
for some survi

Skill Sequence

max arrows and orbwalk to death :3 dmg from ulti is too good to be skipped

The Game

early - farm

How To Get Max Drow Aura Dmg 1

mid - own

How To Get Max Drow Aura Dmg Build

late - win

How To Get Max Drow Aura Dmg Minecraft
