5th Edition Dmg Random Dungeon Generator

As in so many scenarios, the best place to start looking for tips on random dungeon building is the fifth edition Dungeons & Dragons Dungeon Master’s Guide. Chapter 5 includes a succinct explanation of what a dungeon means in D&D, followed up with a series of tables you can work through to create dynamic dungeons in very little time.

Dec 04, 2014 Roll an Adventure Using the 5e Dungeon Master’s Guide — Part I Posted on December 4, 2014 by James Floyd Kelly. 13 Comments Earlier this week, I wrote about the newly released 5th edition Dungeon Master’s Guide and how much I had enjoyed reading through it and uncovering some great tools for creating custom campaigns and adventures. Dec 04, 2017 It is compatible with D&D 5th edition and Pathfinder 1st edition. Endless RPG is a random map generator that can create multi-leveled dungeons, crypts, caves, castles, ruins and towers with a targeted number of encounters and varying difficulties for the ‘boss’ encounter. May 26, 2015 The 5th Edition Dungeon Master's Guide is packed with useful information for your 5e Dungeons and Dragons game. One of its most useful features is the huge amount of random tables. Random tables are a fantastic tool of the Lazy Dungeon Master. Random potion generator for 5th edition Dungeons and Dragons. Randomly awesome DM tools for 5th Edition. Dungeon Delving. Magical Properties. Fumble Generators. The above potion generator assumes that anyone investing the time and resources into a potion would do so only for useful purposes. To that end, there. Dungeons & Dragons 5th Edition Encounter Calculator. (same method used in the DMG) on 2015-02-15. Though - the PCs can only take on so many enemies at once. In 5th Edition, outnumbering your opponent can be quite an advantage. Be very careful before putting your PCs up against a Deadly encounter, especially against lots of enemies. Apr 22, 2016  In my 4 Types of Dungeons I created an outline for a dungeon using the tables in chapter 5 of the Dungeon Master’s Guide for D&D 5th edition. I made the following random rolls. Dungeon Location (d100): In a chasm. When I use a generator to create a random dungeon, I’m not actually looking for a pure random dungeon.

Looking for a full map? Try the Dungeon Map Generator

Randomly generate parts of a dungeon on the fly, pieces are modular and fit together so you can even generate an entire dungeon this way. If you're generating from scratch, begin with a starting area and then add random doors and passages. Passages can connect to other passages, and should continue to be generated until they're all linked to doors, rooms, or dead-ends. Refresh to generate new things. You can also drag and drop pieces onto the grid map to build as you go.

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5th Edition Dmg Random Dungeon Generator

Dungeon Start

Dungeon Type: Lair (Click to make permanent). or choose:

Starting Area: Circle, 40ft. diameter; one passage at each cardinal direction

Noises: Whining
Air: Clear and damp
Odors: Smoky

Purpose: Throne room where the lair's leaders hold court
Current state: Stripped bare
Contents:Monster (random creature) with treasure

Possible feature: Sword blade, broken; Dampness, wall; Cobwebs
Possible furnishings: Stool, normal; Trunk; Urn
(Religious) Possible furnishings: Shrine; Offertory container, Idol
(Mage) Possible furnishings: Altar; Robes; Incense burner
Possible personal items: Knife; Scroll; Ladle


Passage Width: 40ft. wide, 20ft. high, gallery 10ft. above floor allows access to level above / Leads to: Continue straight 20ft., door to the right, then an additional 10 ft. ahead
Extra passages (if necessary):

2nd Passage Width: 30 ft. / Leads to: Chamber
3rd Passage Width: 20 ft. / Leads to: Continue straight 20ft., comes to a dead end; 10 percent chance of a secret door
4th Passage Width: 10 ft. / Leads to: Chamber


Random Dungeon Generator 3.5

Door: Iron, barred or locked / Leads to: Chamber
Extra doors (if necessary):
Door 2: Portcullis / Leads to: Chamber
Door 3: Wooden / Leads to: Passage 20 ft. straight ahead
Door 4: Iron, barred or locked / Leads to: Chamber
Door 5: Wooden / Leads to: Passage 20 ft. straight ahead
Door 6: Portcullis / Leads to: Passage 20 ft. straight ahead

Chamber (Rooms)

Whenever a passage, door, or anything else results in a chamber, use one of these.

Dimensions: Rectangle, 50 x 80 ft.
Number of exits: 6
Exit locations: Same wall as entrance / Wall opposite entrance / Wall left of entrance / Wall right of entrance / Wall left of entrance / Wall right of entrance /
Exit types: Corridor, 10ft. long / Corridor, 10ft. long / Door / Corridor, 10ft. long / Corridor, 10ft. long / Corridor, 10ft. long /

Purpose: Training and exercise room
Current state: Pristine and in original state
Contents:Monster (pet or allied creature)

Possible feature: Dung; Cracks, wall; Rope, rotten
Possible furnishings: Candelabrum; Buffet cabinet; Chair, plain
(Religious) Possible furnishings: Lamp; Candelabra, Holy or unholy writings
(Mage) Possible furnishings: Incense burner; Bells; Idol
Possible personal items: Stopper; Grinder; Ewer


Stairs connect multiple floors of a dungeon. If your dungeon doesn't have multiple floors, then reroll the passage or door that spawned them.

Stair Type: Down one level to a passage 20ft. long

5th Edition Dmg Random Dungeon Generator Free


Whenever a container or book is generated, use this to determine its contents

Container Contents: Grease
Book, Scroll, or Tome: Text on exotic flora or fauna


Each monster should have a motivation in the dungeon. Sometimes this might make them peaceful (even if temporarily).

Motivation: Slay a rival

Random Hazards

Hazard: Spiderwebs (DC 12 Dex or restrained. DC 12 Athletics or Acrobatics to escape. AC 10, 15 HP, fire vulnerability, immunity to bludgeoning / piercing / psychic)

Random Obstacles

Obstacles block or hamper progress and can affect more than one room.

Obstacle: Wall of force blocks passage

Random Traps

Trigger: Stepped on (floor, stairs)
Severity: Setback
Effect: Darts shoot out of an opened chest

Random Tricks

Tricks are quirky and less deadly than a trap. Some tricks are permanent, others can be dispelled with Dispel Magic.

Object: Burning fire
Effect: Presents a puzzle or riddle

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Shout outs: Stacey and Justin Kitchur.
Their contribution stands as a beacon of hope for all adventurers!

Personal [hide]

5th Edition Dmg Random Dungeon Generator Minecraft

Description: What flesh remains visible is marred by burns. He is constantly adorned with expensive silk clothing, often dyed in bright blue and black, and wears rings and necklaces with large, colorful gems. His hair is short and silver. His eyes, though not visible through his cowl, are hazel.

Personality: Aside from being a little slow due to sleep deprivation he is generally quite perceptive. He notices little details and can draw good conclusions from them. He is fiercely devoted to his father, and views his father's ex-spouse as an evil person for separating him from his legal half-brother.

History: His history is one of pain. He was disowned by both parents and raised among the slaves his parents kept. His childhood dream was to be a Beggar, but he was a colossal failure. He ran away from his former home and has been making his living as a Fisher for the past few years.

Motivation: Sabotage a competitor.

Occupation: Fisher

Attributes [hide]

Faran Kettlewhistle, Male Halfling Barbarian 14
Small (3'4') Halfling, Lawful Neutral (CR 14)
Armor Class 13
Hit Points 72 (14d12)
Speed5th Edition Dmg Random Dungeon Generator 20 ft.
11 (+0)15 (+2)8 (-1)14 (+2)7 (-2)12 (+1)
Skills Animal Handling +3
Senses Passive Perception 8
Languages Common, Halfling, Celestial, Undercommon

5th Edition Dmg Random Dungeon Generator 5e

Attacks Melee +5, Ranged +7, Grapple +2

5th Edition Dmg Random Dungeon Generator 2

Possessions: 400 pp. 1 Medium magic item.

This website exists thanks to the contribution of patrons on Patreon. If you find these tools helpful, please consider supporting this site. Even just disabling your adblocker will help (it's only text and plain image ads I promise). Becoming a patron will upgrade your account to premium, giving you no ads and more features.

Shout outs: Stacey and Justin Kitchur.
Their contribution stands as a beacon of hope for all adventurers!