All Dragons And Dmg Type From D&d 3.5

Dungeons and Dragons (D&D) Fifth Edition (5e) Magic Items. A comprehensive list of all official magic items for Fifth Edition. Dungeon Master's Guide Monster Manual Basic Rules. Weapon Types Armor Types Conditions Attached Spells Has Charges Source Category. A dragon is a reptilelike creature, usually winged, with magical or unusual abilities. A dragon has the following features. 12-sided Hit Dice. Base attack bonus equal to total Hit Dice (as fighter). Good Fortitude, Reflex, and Will saves. D&D 5e Damage Type Explanations. Below is a list of all current D&D 5e damage types with possible uses for a DM as well as examples. A subreddit dedicated to the various iterations of Dungeons & Dragons, from its First Edition roots to its Fifth Edition future. NPCs in Town. Delving the dungeon. Created Oct 10, 2009. This is a list of deities of Dungeons & Dragons, including all of the 3.5 edition gods and powers of the 'Core Setting' for the Dungeons & Dragons (D&D) roleplaying game. Religion is a key element of the D&D game, since it is required to support both the cleric class and the behavioural aspects of the ethical alignment system – 'role playing. The astral dragon is approximately as strong as a brass dragon of similar age, and we can use the 5e statistics for that as a basis, modified as follows: Breath Weapons (Recharge 5-6). Scouring Dust. A cone of scouring dust (as the standard dragon's breath weapon, except that the damage type is slashing). Psychic Wind. A 5 foot wide line of dark cloud.

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Making a Dragon Lord[edit]

“Background:” Having hatched the dragon from an egg, the bond between a Dragon Lord and his dragon is sacred beyond comparison. They travel together, eat together, and fight together. Through endless teamwork, the two work to protect the world or conquer it.

Abilities: Strength and Constitution are important to keep a Dragon Lord alive and swinging. Charisma also enhances his powers that he develops alongside his dragon.

D&d Types Of Dragons

Races: Humans, Elves, and Half-Elves are the most common species for Dragon Lords, though other species becoming Dragon Lords is not unheard of.

Alignment: A Dragon Lord can be any alignment, though most tend to fall under the “Lawful Good” or “Chaotic Evil” alignments.

Starting Gold: Dragon Lords have a variety of backgrounds Use the random starting gold table in the Dungeon Master's Guide to generate funds for you character.

Starting Age: Simple or as fighter

Hit Die: d8

Attack Bonus
Saving ThrowsSpecial
1st+0+2+0+2Dragon Scale Hide (+1), Speak Draconic, Dragon Amulet
3rd+2+3+1+3Piercing Strike, Fist of the Dragon
4th+3+4+1+4Triple Strike, Dragon Scale Hide (+3)
5th+3+4+1+4Brotherly strength
6th+4+5+2+5Dragon’s Vitality, Dragons Charm
7th+5+5+2+5Dragons maw
8th+6/+1+6+2+6Dragon Scale Hide (+6)
9th+6/+1+6+3+6Dragon’s Wings, Wing Beat
10th+7/+2+7+3+7Summon Dragon
11th+8/+3+7+3+7Channel Dragon (Wind)
12th+9/+4+8+4+8Channel Dragon (Earth), Dragon Scale Hide (+8)
13th+9/+4+8+4+8Channel Dragon (Fire)
14th+10/+5+9+4+9Channel Dragon (Cold)
16th+12/+7/+2+10+5+10Dragon Scale Hide (+9)
17th+12/+7/+2+10+5+10Detect Treasure
18th+13/+8/+3+11+6+11Telepathic Link
20th+15/+10/+5+12+6+12Dragon Scale Hide (+10),Share Spells

Class Skills (4 + Int modifier per level, ×4 at 1st level)
Climb (Str), Craft (Int), Diplomacy (Cha), Intimidate (Cha), Jump (Str), Knowledge (Arcana) (Int), Profession (Wis), Swim (Str),

Class Features[edit]

All of the following are class features of the Dragon Lord. Based off of Dragonkith for final specials in Draconomicon 3.5 book pages variant, p. 123. This class has been finished as not make it broken.All the channel dragon specials can be found in the Monster Manual listed under the appropriate dragon.

Weapon and Armor Proficiency: Dragon Lords are proficient with all simple and martial weapons and shields. Dragon Lords are also proficient with any type of armor.(swords, maces, great swords, daggers, shield, tower shield,etc)

Dragon Amulet: In order to maintain his special powers, a Dragon Lord possesses a mystical trinket called a Dragon Amulet. If he is not in possession of it, he cannot use any of his Dragon Lord powers.

Dragon Scale Hide: As a result of his supernatural bond with his dragon, the Dragon Lord begins to exhibit some minor traits of dragons. To begin with, the Dragon Lord’s skin begins to harden and develop a scale-like pattern. This grants him a +1 natural armor bonus. This bonus increases to +2 at level 4 and increases by +1 for every four levels after. If the Dragon Lord is not is possession of his Dragon Amulet, he does not receive the bonus.

Speak Draconic: In order to communicate with his dragon, a Dragon Lord’s Dragon Amulet enables him to speak Draconic. He can only do this as long as he possesses his Dragon Amulet. If the Dragon Lord was already able to speak Draconic, he does not lose his ability to do so if he does not have his Dragon Amulet.

Piercing Strike: A Dragon Lord and his dragon have developed their bond enough that part of the dragon’s power can now be channeled into the Dragon Lord’s weapon. When attacking with a Piercing Strike, a Dragon Lord doubles the Critical Threat Range of the weapon he is using. A Piercing Strike must be declared before attacking. A Dragon Lord can only use this ability a number of times per day equal to his CHA modifier. If the Dragon Lord is not in possession of his Dragon Amulet, he cannot use this ability.

Triple Strike: Upon a successful Critical Hit (critical hits caused by a Piercing Strike do NOT count towards this ability), a Dragon Lord can follow up with an additional three attacks at his highest Base Attack Bonus the following round. However, his STR modifier does not count when calculating the damage for these attacks. Bonuses caused by enchantments and other magical effects not invoked by the Dragon Lord still apply.

Fist of the Dragon: The Dragon lord channels strength through his amulet to engulf his fist in flames to punch with the fury of the dragons of x3 strength, percing through armor and hide alike dealing 3d10 physical and 2d10 of fire dmg, with knock back of 25 ft. If he and his dragon were to do this as one the dmg would be doubled as well as the strength modifer.

Dragon’s Vitality: The bond between a Dragon Lord and his dragon has grown to the point where they are able to restore each other’s vitality. The Dragon Lord can cast a spell restoring him and his dragon 4d10+(CHA modifier)+½ Dragon Lord levels a number of times equal to his CHA modifier. This is considered a burst spell and will only affect the dragon if it is within 25 feet of the Dragon Lord. If the Dragon Lord does not possess a Dragon Amulet, he cannot use this ability.

All Dragons And Dmg Type From D O

Dragons Charm: Those who gaze upon the Dragon lord and his dragon are in awe of them of there majestic looks as what is more noble than a Dragon lord and his mighty dragon gracing them with there awe-inspiring presence.Thus ganing +3 charisma for he and his dragon.

Dragon’s Wings: A Dragon Lord can now call on the power of the bond with his dragon in order to sprout a pair of wings. Using them, the Dragon Lord can fly up to a speed of 50 + his base land speed with great maneuverability. The wings last for 1 day times his CHA modifier. If the Dragon Lord does not possess a Dragon Amulet, he cannot use this ability. It takes a full round in order for the wings to sprout from his shoulders and become useable.

Wing Beat: Using the mighty strength in his wings, a Dragon Lord can beat his wings heard enough to create a wind strong enough to cause problems for his opponents. Treat this wind as a (SRD:Gust of Wind) spell.

Brotherly strength: The Dragon lord and his dragons bond is ever growing, always pushing to be at each others best at all times. Gaing +3 strength and +2 constitution. No matter what happens they will always have each others back, no matter what.

Summon Dragon Normally, the Dragon Lord’s dragon ages at a normal rate, growing in size like all dragons do. However, with the power of his Dragon Amulet, a Dragon Lord can call upon the strength shared between him and his dragon to enlarge the dragon to its full size! When encountering enemies of any size category of Huge or larger by normal standards the Dragon Amulet begins to glow and charge its power. After 2d5 rounds, a Dragon Lord can unleash the power of the Amulet and change his dragon into a dragon of Huge size!

When calculating stats for the dragon, treat them as a regular dragon’s of the same type, as found in the Monster Manual. However, add the ability scores of the Dragon Lord to the dragon, as their bond channels his strength into the dragon. The Dragon Lord can now use his dragon as a mount and may continue fighting on the back of his dragon. He does not take any penalties.

When the encounter ends and the enemy is dead, the dragon slowly shrinks back to its original size, allowing the Dragon Lord to dismount without hurting himself or the dragon. If the dragon’s hit points drop to 0 or fewer during the encounter, it instantly switches back to its original size and both dragon and rider plummet to the ground, taking fall damage. The Dragon Lord can only use this ability a number of times per day equal to 1/3 his CHA modifier. If he does not possess a Dragon Amulet, he cannot use this ability.

Channel Dragon (wind): The Dragon Lord has become so attuned to the powers of dragons (in no small part thanks to his own dragon) that he can now channel various elemental powers of other types of dragons, regardless of what type his own dragon is. A Dragon Lord can channel dragon powers a number of times per day equal to his CHA modifier. Channeling the power of a dragon takes a full round and cannot be prepared beforehand. Once the power is channeled, it is immediately unleashed in the direction or area the Dragon Lord dictates. If a Dragon Lord is submerged underwater, each power has a 25% chance of failure in addition to any additional penalties he may suffer (usually by the DM’s discretion).

Channeling a Wind dragon can only be done in wide open areas (mainly, being outside). Trying to channel a Wind dragon underground or in a tightly confined area gives a 25% chance of failure. It gives a Dragon Lord the ability to cast a (SRD:Lightning Bolt) spell as if he were a (SRD:Wizard) of ½ his own level. A Dragon Lord does not have to meet the prerequisites for the spell since he is channeling power through a different method.

Channel Dragon (Earth): Channeling an Earth dragon can only be done on the ground. Trying to channel an Earth dragon while airborne gives a 25% chance of failure. It gives a Dragon Lord the ability to cast a (SRD:Spike Stones) spell as though he were a (SRD:Druid) of ½ his own level. A Dragon Lord does not have to meet the prerequisites for the spell since he is channeling power through a different method.

Channel Dragon (Fire): Channeling a Fire dragon can only be done in an environment where fire is easily sustainable. Trying to channel a Fire dragon in a freezing environment (such as a snowy mountaintop) gives a 25% chance of failing. Channeling a Fire dragon gives a Dragon Lord a cone of fire as a breath weapon. The cone reaches out 5 feet times his CHA modifier. It deals 1d10 for every 3 Dragon Lord levels.

Channel Dragon (Cold): Channeling a Cold dragon can only be done in an environment where heat is not a primary killer (like a desert). Trying to channel a Cold dragon in a blistering hot environment grants a 25% chance of failure. When successful, it gives a Dragon Lord the power to cast a (SRD:Cone of Cold) as if he were a wizard of ½ his level.

Dragons maw: The Dragon lord conjures a spears of his dragons energy type and hurls it at his enemiesDealing 3d8 piercing dmg and 2d8 of his dragons energy type. Amount of starting spears is 4 and increase by 4 every other level.

Detect Treasure: Once per day, a dragonlord can use a detect treasure ability. This works like the detect magic spell, except that it senses Medium or smaller objects that are worth more than 100 gp. On the first round, the dragonlord detects the presence of such objects; on the second round, the power reveals the number of objects and the location of each. In each subsequent round, the dragonlord can make an Appraise check to estimate the value of one object.

Telepathic Link: a dragonlord develops a telepathic link with its companion dragon out to a distance of up to 1 mile. The dragonlord and dragon can communicate telepathically. Because of this link, one has the same connection to an item or place that the other does. For instance, if the dragonlord has seen a room, its dragon companion can teleport into that room as if she had seen it too.

D&d 3.5 dragon feats

D&d 3.5 Dragon

Share Spells At either the dragon's or the dragonlord's option, any spell one casts on itself also affects the other. The two must be touching at the time. If the spell has a duration other than instantaneous, the spell stops affecting them if they move farther than 100 feet apart. The spell's effect will not be restored even if they return to each other before the duration would otherwise have ended. The dragon and dragonlord can share spells even if the spells normally do not affect creatures of their respective types.

Based off of Dragonkith final specials in Draconomicon 3.5 book pages variant, p. 123. This class have been finished as not make it broken.

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