Can someone please clarify a few things for me.
Max Stamina = 'Weapon Damage', so the higher the Stamina is ALL Stamina based class skills and ALL Melee weapon skills will do more damage?
Max Magicka = 'Spell Power', so the higher the Magicka is ALL Magicka based class skills and ALL Staff skills will do more damage?
Does this also include when a Magicka skill is Morphed into a skill that now uses Stamina?
Also does the higher Stamina/Magicka stat affect its Regeneration or its Critical rating or do those stats only come from items/skills?
And last, do item set bonuses add or just give you the bonus for the number of pieces you have. For example if you have 4 pieces of Hist Bark do you only get the 4th piece bonus (max Health) or do you get the 2 and 3 piece bonus as well?
Now to find a updated skill list with the new morphs : )
Thank you.
Spell damage scales with% Spell damage & Added X-Y Damage to Spells, It specifically does not scale with Weapon damage, that is what Attacks scale with. Both However, scale with additional categories they fall under for example: Elemental or Material, Ailment, Projectiles Etc - These are the 'Tags' located on the 'Tooltip' of an individual skill. Then again it is quite redundant to show +% dmg on wep if it is already added to the dps. Is this number already factored into the listed DPS of the weapon? Does this number affect anything beyond the base damage of the weapon it is on? Does it affect my off-hand weapon if I'm dual wielding? Jul 09, 2014 No weapon skill increases your magic DMG with Spells only like 'Lefty' said the Magus Spell. But this is not worth the points. If you wanna do Dmg with Mage try to get your Int as high as possible and skill a bit in Speed to have enough action Points during fight.
- When a skill is morphed to stamina, damage for that skill is now based off of stamina
- I'm not sure on regeneration and critical rating - would be interested to find out
- All set bonuses apply, if you have the last set bonus have all active
Does Weapon Skill Affect Dmg Download
Take the NB for example:
1) If you want to run a mostly stam NB and there are some abilities you want, only they don't morph to a stamina base, but you still want to use them for this build (i.e.- Impale, Debilitate, ect)... well, you could, but it's not going to work out very well due to the major damage difference between Impale and Killer's Blade and the DoT from Debilitate is super weak with all that stamina instead of magicka. So trash that build and go with a cookie cutter build.
2) You want a sneaky and stealthy NB? Well then you have to go magicka! Why you ask? Because if you waste any points via attribute points (or anything else for that matter) in magicka to be able to stealth more often... you nerf your overall damage output from all your stamina abilities because you didn't put them all in stamina... pretty lame really.
Like I said, IMO, Stamina Magicka and Health should ONLY be a pool to draw from and should not a multiplyer! It would make for much more interesting builds, because the way it is now... I feel like it's a 'do it this way or you're doing it wrong' game. I mean ZOS's motto for this game is, 'You can play the game how you want to play it'... No, no sir, you can not!
P.S.- I still love this game though XD