How Does Kassadin Do A Lot Of Dmg


How Does Kassadin Do A Lot Of Dmg In Mac

EDIT: This is NOT a guide as Pestnebel thought it was!
So, been reading a lot of Kassadin guides, and I decided that the one which fit my play style better was a slightly more defensive one, now I'm wondering, am I really playing him right? Doubt it, would like some help.
Getting items in the following order.
1: Meki Pendant -> Tear of the Goddess
2: Boots
3: Catalyst of the Protector -> Rod of Ages
4: Upgrade Boots to Mercery's Threads
5: Sheen -> Lich Bane
6: Upgrade Tear of the Goddess to Archangel's Staff
I tend to lane without doing much ganking unless there's a obvious chance until after 9ish when I've got some items, Rifting to the caster creeps, and aoeing them for fast and easy gold.
In team fights I seem to do something wrong, I rift in, and by the time the cd is up, I'm either dead or very low hp. Now I know I'm supposed to wait for my team's CC etc, but I only play solo queue, so your team mates are rarely reliable to do that.
I keep reading that people just jump in the back and kill the squishy caster/ranged carries in a matter of seconds and jump out again. How? How is that possibly done? I rarely see them so far away from their team that I can do that without their team turning around and CCing me, or just squishing my hp. That is the reason why I tend to go slightly more defensive items to start with, merc threads and Catalyst to give me a little bit of an edge on hp/cc survival.
During lane phase I tend to play defensively if there is a better harrass setup on the other side, just last hitting with Q. I've recently heard that a good tactic once you're level 6 is to use the brushes a lot, Rift, aoe, silence, run into the brush, and repeat every time E is availible. Is this a good tactic or not? I haven't tried the above tactic, only read it last night. I'm rather bad during lane phase on the early levels.
I'd really like to hear from a good experienced Kassadin player what I'm doing wrong, what I should be doing, and in what order to buy what items. Keep in mind the following.
I am not a high Elo player, I concider myself mediocre.
I do not have a arranged team to play with.
Also, the summoner abilities I use varies, I've had Teleport and exhaust for more map control, to push a lane and join a gank easily. The other combo I tend to use is exhaust and clarity, clarity as a escape mechanism more then anything, so I definitely have enough mana if I need to Rift away or kill someone that's escaped with very little hp and I don't have any mana left.
Runes I use Magic Pen Marks, flat hp quints, and mp5/lvl on yellow/blue. I'm level 25. So not access to all slots yet.
I might not be a good Kassadin player, but it's the class I find the most fun out of them all, and I try to get better, would appriciate some help in getting a bit further.

  1. Sep 01, 2019 level 16 kassadin = 100% brokenest champ in game 🤯 voyboy - duration: 15:09. Why is one ap alistar combo able to do this much damage?? Season 10 alistar top!
  2. I feel like I barely do any damage now as kassadin. We want a place for everything, but if we don’t keep things organized, the boards become a lot less useful and a lot more cluttered. Join the discussions with posts about your favorite or least favorite champs, or rant or reason about recent balance changes.
  3. MYTH: Kassadin is a late game hypercarry. Kassadin doesn't scale badly but his damage is pathetic so unless your team has others to DPS and you can just disrupt the backline or peel, he's weak. I think people remember back when Kass had an 80% AP ratio on R and a longer range. He was definitely a hypercarry then but he only has a.
  4. Getting an S rank on Kassadin is too demanding. Kayakpro (NA). Regardless of whether you know how he plays or not, if a player does extremely well (a lot of kill, no deaths, some assists) they have a very low chance of receiving a rightfully earned S- or above rating. For those unfamiliar, the ranks are decided by how well you do compared to.

For a long time, Kassadin has been, and still is to an extent, a very overpowered champion in the laning phase. You might be able to get a single kill on him, but when he gets his ultimate, he starts tearing you apart and preventing you from farming.
The problem is not that he is overpowered, but that the usual AP ranged champions that go to the middle lane are not effective against him because of his skill set. Instead, take an AD ranged champion like Vayne.
I tried taking an AD carry to the middle lane only last week. I was playing Ezreal, who's most important attributes are his skill-shot-based skills. The Kassadin I was playing against was focusing on building up AP since that he knew I wouldn't be building magic resistance.
As he played, he focused on silencing me before I could do damage with my skill shots, but to do that required him to get close enough for me to hit him with my auto-attack. Every time he shot me, he would do more damage, but the silence wouldn't last forever, and I could still hit him. Essentially, I could outlast him.
I had started with Doran's Blade and as I needed to recall rushed Beserker's greaves and Lich Bane to give me faster attack speed and critical hits. The results immediately paid off. As soon as Kassadin did the typical ult, then silence, then slow combination, instead of running, I stood my ground and attacked back. Once my spells came back I used my Arcane Shift to get away from him, then hit with both my q and w. He took down about a third of my health, but he walked away with only half left, and I could still harass him a lot. The only time he got a kill on me was when Shako bailed him out.
Essentially, you don't need some fancy strategy to take down Kassadin. You just need to send your AP champion to the bottom lane, and send your AD ranged champion to take on Kassadin. Simply by standing your ground, rushing beserker's greaves, lich bane, and later trinity force, I prevented Kassadin from getting fed. My team ended up losing because of Shako and Evelyn ganks, but Kassadin was useless.
I am going to keep experimenting with this strategy because the Kassadin I went up against didn't stack a whole lot of armor. Let me know what your success against Kassadin is by using AD carries instead of AP carries.

How does kassadin do a lot of dmg mean

How Does Kassadin Do A Lot Of Dmg Free

How Does Kassadin Do A Lot Of Dmg

How Does Kassadin Do A Lot Of Dmg Free

Oct 08, 2017 Now thats a lot of damage. This feature is not available right now. Please try again later. While teamfighting is a little awkward as Kassadin, if you have to group and teamfight, your role as Kassadin is a flanker, hiding over walls, and in bushes, to try and catch the enemy carries unaware and burst them down before they can do anything about it. Nov 21, 2018  I'll be honest, Kassadin does not work well in team fights, mostly because he can get kills. Reason being You will be doing all the dmg and you ally's will take the kills. And because your mobility your team wont be able to keep up with you and you might have to 1v4 (your enemy laner doesn't count because he was already dead from the start).