How Much Dmg Does A Sniper Bullet Do

  1. How Much Dmg Does A Sniper Bullet Do You Die
  2. How Much Dmg Does A Sniper Bullet Dog
  3. How Much Dmg Does A Sniper Bullet Do You Look
  4. How Much Dmg Does A Sniper Bullet Documentary
  • Aug 01, 2018  WATCH: The Physics Of Why Some Bullets Do Much More Damage Than Others: Shots - Health News How much damage a bullet does when fired at the human body hinges on physics. Our latest 'Let's Talk.
  • Aug 13, 2018 Sniper Rifles are already high-skill weapons: bullet drop and travel time mean that they need quite a bit more attention than most guns, and the simple act of scoping in can be a tough proposition.

Learning the best Apex Legends guns is one of the most important things to consider as you start to take the game a bit more seriously - or if you just want to lord it over your squadmates with a bit of extra knowledge.

A sniper rifle is a high-precision rifle designed for sniper missions. It serves to fulfill the tactical need for long range surveillance, effective anti-personnel and anti-materiel operations with a high hit probability, and can be used by military, law enforcement and civilian militias. But i have noticed the sniper bullets do not stack properly. I had 5 rounds and they stacked it a 2 and 3. Also When i tried to reload the sniper rifle it would not automaticly load the second stack. I had to place the rounds in it manualy. Are you sure the dart does 500 torpidity damage?

Below, you'll find all the essential weapon stats uncovered so far, as well as our picks for the best Apex Legends weapons in each category - as well as a quick explanation of all the most exciting stuff like methodology and genuinely good-to-know things before you go diving into the numbers.

You'll be an expert at Apex Legends guns before you know it!

On this page:

Latest update (February 7th): Includes the addition of the Sentinel introduced in Season 4, changes to the Devotion, which has been changed to a Special weapon, as well as new ammo that works specifically for snipers.

Apex Legends weapons and weapon damage explained

Apex Legends has a huge swath of weapons from you to choose from, and it all depends on your style. Do you prefer to snipe people at a distance, or do you want to be up, close and personal?

Regardless, below you'll find a breakdown of weapon by category featuring all the numbers we know so far. Apex Legends updates quite consistently with new nerfs and buffs of weapons, so these may change over time.

We have a general idea of fire rate which we take into account in our section on personal picks for the best Apex Legends weapons, but if you want to make a decision for yourself, you can browse through the weapon stats charts with the raw data underneath each recommendation.

There are also a few other things to know before diving into the lovely pile of numbers below - here's a quick rundown:

  • Maximum HP for any character is 200 - 100 base health plus 25 health for each level of shield (up to four, for Purple/Gold shields).
  • Helmets don't add HP, but they make you more resistant to headshot damage depending on which helmet you have equipped.
  • A change since release is Sniper rifles have their own ammo now - it's just called sniper ammo, and is a blue colour.
  • In the damage stat tables below, if a weapon does burst damage we've noted the damage of one bullet from that burst fire, the same as it's one bullet's worth of damage for full-auto weapons.
  • Similarly, for 'spread' weapons like shotguns or the Triple Take, we've counted the damage for if all projectiles hit the target successfully.
  • Many - but not all - weapons can expand their magazine size with attachments found from looting, which makes a significant difference to their viability - so it's worth searching for extended magazines, in particular!
  • You can view weapon damage as you're fighting in-game - there are different settings for it in the menus, but the default shows the total damage from all your hits in a burst, with a single damage number updating as you land another hit (from 16, to 32, to 48, etc.).
  • This damage is also colour-coded, according to your enemy's armour, which is good to know - yellow for headshots, purple for purple/gold shields, blue for blue shields, white for common shields, and red for true damage when their shields are down. There's also a shattering sound when you smash through their shields in combat, too.

With those little bits of housekeeping out of the way, here are all the numbers and details we've confirmed for weapons so far - from our own testing in-game - and our Apex Legends weapon recommendations in each category.

Best Sniper Rifle in Apex Legends recommendation: Sentinel

Before the Sentinel, it was obvious that the Kraber .50-Cal sniper rifle was the best rifle to use. Just look at its body damage - that's enough to get knocked down with two shots. However, with the introduction of the Sentinel in Season 4, the Kraber may actually not be the best after all.

If you charge the Sentinel with a shield cell, it strips the enemy team of their shields and hits straight at their health. It's a risky move, but using it will be worth it when you're the last one standing.

Apex Legends Sniper Rifle damage stats:

Sniper RifleAmmo TypeFire Rate TypeMag SizeBody DamageHeadshot DamageAvailability
Kraber .50-CalSpecialBolt-Action4145297Supply Pods
Triple TakeSniperSingle569138Standard
Longbow DMRSniperSingle555118Standard
Charge RifleSniperSingle490116Standard

Best SMG in Apex Legends recommendation: Prowler

While the R-99 and Alternator both have an auto fire-rate type that's fire-rate is decent, both of them pale in comparison to the Prowler.

The Prowler's recoil isn't the greatest, but it's burst of 5 fire rate is incredibly powerful no matter if the distance is far or medium.

The body damage is also excellent, especially for those players - aka us - who aren't that great at getting headshots during the heat of battle.

Apex Legends SMG damage stats:

SMGAmmo TypeFire Rate TypeMag SizeBody DamageHeadshot DamageAvailability
ProwlerHeavyBurst of 5201421Standard

Best Assault Rifle in Apex Legends recommendation: R-301

The R-301 is a weapon that you just can't go wrong with. It's great both at a medium distance or up close, and has a drop-off rate that won't leave you hankering to find a sniper rifle fast.

It's got consistent damage, and even if you're only firing from the hip, enemies can be downed with ease if your aim is on point.

Apex Legends Assault Rifle damage stats:

Assault RifleAmmo TypeFire Rate TypeMag SizeBody DamageHeadshot DamageAvailability
G7 ScoutLightSingle103468Standard
Hemlok Burst ARHeavyBurst / Single182244Standard
R-301LightAuto / Single181422Standard
VK-47 FlatlineHeavyAuto / Single201938Standard
DevotionSpecialAuto541734Supply Pods

Best LMG in Apex Legends recommendation: L-Star

The L-Star used to be a special weapon, which meant unique ammo and an availability that relied on supply pods.

That made it a good LMG, but the best? That title used to belong to the Spitfire. With the L-Star replacing The Devotion as an Energy weapon, you'll be able to deal damage at such a fast rate that it puts the L-Star way ahead of other LMG weapons.

Apex Legends LMG damage stats:

LMGAmmo TypeFire Rate TypeMag SizeBody DamageHeadshot DamageAvailability
M600 SpitfireHeavyAuto351836Standard
DevotionSpecialAuto541734Supply Pods

Best Shotgun in Apex Legends recommendation: Mastiff


Despite being a special weapon, and thus being near impossible to get until late early game, the Mastiff is still one of the most consistently powerful shotguns around.

It's body damage is enough for you to try your darned hardest to grab it ASAP, and if you're good at aiming headshots? Holy moly, this gun is incredible.

Apex Legends Shotgun damage stats:

ShotgunAmmo TypeFire Rate TypeMag SizeBody DamageHeadshot DamageAvailability
MastiffSpecialSingle4144288Supply Pods
PeacekeeperShotgunPump action6110120Standard
EVA-8 AutoShotgunAuto86380Standard

Best Pistol in Apex Legends recommendation: Wingman

The Wingman has always been a pistol that would make anyone in their right mind run off in the other direction, and that still hasn't changed even with its most recent changes.

It's rate of fire is slow, but the damage is incredible and if going against someone with a steady hand... Well, we're sure the game was good while it lasted.

Apex Legends Pistol damage stats:

PistolAmmo TypeFire Rate TypeMag SizeBody DamageHeadshot DamageAvailability
MozambiqueShotgunPump action34566Standard
RE-45 AutoLightAuto161116Standard

That's it for our Apex Legends weapons explainer! We also have some advice on another big choice when playing - which Apex Legends character you should choose.

Pain is weakness leaving the body!
The Soldier

Damage in Team Fortress 2 is any event that reduces the health of a player or entity. Damage can be caused by weapons, fire, explosions, falling, bleeding, certain taunts, or by environmental sources such as trains, water, saw blades, the Horseless Headless Horsemann, MONOCULUS, Merasmus, and the Underworld.

  • 1Weapon damage

Weapon damage

Weapon damage is calculated in the following manner:

How Much Dmg Does A Sniper Bullet Do You Die

(Base Damage) × (Distance and Randomness Modifier) × (Resistance/Vulnerability Modifiers) × (Splash Modifier)

Critical hits are calculated as:

(Base Damage) × (Splash Modifier) × [(Base Type Resistance/Vulnerability Modifiers) + (Positive Distance-Modifier + 2) × (Critical Resistance/Vulnerability Modifiers)]

Mini-crits are calculated as:

(Base Damage) × (Splash Modifier) × [(Base Type Resistance/Vulnerability Modifiers) + (Positive Distance-Modifier + 0.35) × (Critical Resistance/Vulnerability Modifiers)]

Base damage

The base damage of a weapon is a constant number that is fixed to a particular weapon. Damage does not depend on where on the target the attack hits, with the exception of weapons that critical hit on certain regions of the target.

Distance and randomness modifier

How damage is affected by distance.

The distance modifier is a number between 1.5 and 0.5 that sinusoidally decreases as the distance between the attacker and the target increases. The trough of the wave is at 1024 units, and all distances beyond 1024 are treated as 1024 for the purposes of damage calculation. In this formula, there is a random variation in the distance of ±102.5 units (shown in the graph around 512 units, as an example). This means that you may be treated as being up to 102.5 closer or farther than you actually are, for purposes of the formula. This is the 15% variation many players have heard of; it is not simply a 85–115% multiplier on the final damage.

The distance modifier is altered for Rocket Launchers, Stickybomb Launchers (when detonated within 5 seconds), Syringe Guns, Righteous Bison, and Pomson 6000. When the distance used in the formula is less than 512 units, the damage ramp is flattened. As a result, the maximum damage you can have is 125% for Rocket Launchers, and 120% for Stickybomb Launchers, Syringe Guns, Righteous Bison, and Pomson 6000 (shown by the maroon offshoot in the graph). In short, these weapons gain less extra damage from the distance modifier at close range, but still suffer from the same long-range damage penalty as the other weapons.

Conversely, the distance modifier for the Scout's primary weapons (excluding the Shortstop) have an increased damage ramp at close range, maximising at 175% normal damage at point blank, but keep the same default damage ramp at ranges of 512 or greater.

Sticky bombs launched more than 5 seconds ago, Melee weapons, Flare Guns, Grenade Launchers (excluding the Loose Cannon, which is subject to falloff), Sniper Rifles, bows, and Flying Guillotine are all treated as being at 512 units for this formula. Flamethrowers, however, are affected by their own separately calculated modifier based on projectile lifetime.

Weapons that fire projectiles, like the Rocket Launcher and Direct Hit, apply the distance modifier to damage based on the distance between the attacker and the target at the moment the projectile hits a target. This means that the point from which the projectile was fired is irrelevant when considering damage dealt by that projectile; only the final position of the attacker and the target matter.

  1. The final distance used in the formula cannot go above 1024 or below 0.
  2. On servers where random variation is disabled (with use of the server cvar 'tf_damage_disablespread'), the effective distance used is 102.5 units less than the farthest possible random distance (that is, after being capped at 1024 units). This means that being farther than 921.5 units away is treated as being 921.5 units away; the normal cap is 1024, and 102.5 less than that is 921.5 units.
  3. The distance modifier is always 1.0 if the target is a building.
  4. A level 3 Sentry Gun's rockets are affected by the distance modifier based on the distance from the target to the Sentry Gun's owner.

Splash modifier

The splash modifier is a number used for explosive weapons that do not connect directly with the target. Valve has not released the official stats for the splash damage falloff yet.

Self-damage reduction

Explosive weapons may deal less damage to the user than to enemies, depending on the situation. See the individual weapon pages for more information.

Critical modifier

Main article: Critical hit

Critical hits and mini-crits have two effects each.

A critical hit adds damage equal to 2 times the base damage, while a mini-crit adds 0.35 times the damage following falloff compensation.

Both critical hits and mini-crits check to see if the final distance is greater than 512: if it is, then any damage lost is offset by an equal increase in damage. The end result is that the weapon does not lose damage due to the distance modifier when the player is more than 512 units away; if the attack were not a crit or mini-crit, damage would continue to decrease out to 1024 units.

The extra damage added on by critical hits and mini-crits - including that from rampup or offsetting falloff - is of the 'critical' type instead of the weapon's standard type (e.g. bullet or explosive). This affects the calculation of damage resistances.

How Much Dmg Does A Sniper Bullet Dog

Note: A backstab deals 2 times the victim's current health, but, under normal conditions, it also always crits, increasing the damage to 6 times the victim's current health.

While active, the Battalion's Backup protects team members from critical hits and mini-crits, treating them as normal damage instead. The Vaccinator's protective shield blocks 100% of critical damage from attacks of the selected type.

Damage types

Each weapon has an associated type of damage that it deals. Some weapons can deal more than one damage type at once; for instance, the Cow Mangler 5000's charged shot deals explosive damage as well as fire afterburn damage.

  • Bullet damage is typically associated with hitscan weapons, though the damage caused by most projectile impacts is treated as such as well (such as syringes, arrows, and energy beams, excluding the Cow Mangler 5000's beam).
  • Explosive damage is usually caused by explosive projectiles. Players killed via explosive damage will often gib.
  • Fire damage is caused by both flaming weaponry and the afterburn they induce.
  • Bleed damage is applied to players that are bleeding.
  • Melee damage is dealt by melee weapons. Melee damage can destroy stickybombs and causes players to scream loudly on kill.
  • Critical damage is caused by critical hits and mini-crits, playing distinctive sound effects and producing louder kill screams.
  • Fall damage is applied to players that hit the ground after too high and/or too fast a drop.
  • Crush damage results when a player has been sandwiched between two objects (such as between a closing door and the ground). Being killed by crush damage causes the screen to flash red.

Damage vulnerability, resistance, and blocking

A player may take a modified amount of damage due to certain items. These effects stack multiplicatively. 'X% damage vulnerability' multiplies that kind of damage by 100% then adding X%, and 'Y% damage resistance' multiplies that kind of damage by 100% then subtracting Y%; for example, the Chargin' Targe grants 30% explosive damage resistance, which means all incoming explosive damage is multiplied by 70%.

Because effects are stacked multiplicatively, combinations of effects result in a slightly different value than may be expected; for example, a Soldier with the Pain Train (10% bullet weakness) and an active Battalion's Backup (50% sentry resistance) has a combined resistance of 45% against Sentry bullets - as opposed to the 40% that would result from the effects being simply added together.

Some weapons imbue an effect which increases or decreases the damage received from certain types of weapons. These effects may either be applied as 'on wearer' (having the item equipped in the loadout) or 'while active' (actively wielding the item).

List of weapons with damage vulnerability and resistance

Secondary While under the effects, immune to all damage.
Bonk! Atomic Punch
Melee +25% explosive damage vulnerability on wearer.
Candy Cane
+25% fire damage resistance when active
Secondary When used, it provides a defensive buff to nearby teammates that blocks 35% of incoming damage, 50% of Sentry Gun damage, and nullifies Critical hits.
Battalion's Backup
Melee +10% bullet damage vulnerability on wearer.
Pain Train

Primary Invulnerable while 'Mmmph' taunting.
Secondary +50% explosion self-damage vulnerability on wearer
Melee +20% damage vulnerability from all sources when active
Secondary +50% fire damage resistance on wearer.
+30% explosive damage resistance on wearer.
Chargin' Targe
+20% fire damage resistance on wearer.
+20% explosive damage resistance on wearer.
Splendid Screen
+15% fire damage resistance on wearer.
+15% explosive damage resistance on wearer.
Tide Turner
Melee +10% bullet damage vulnerability on wearer.
Pain Train
+15% damage vulnerability from all sources when active
Claidheamh Mòr

Primary +20% damage resistance when below 50% health and spun up.
20% damage resistance when below 50% health and spun up.
Brass Beast
Secondary While under the effects, damage taken increased by 20%.
Buffalo Steak Sandvich
Melee +30% damage vulnerability from all sources when active.
Warrior's Spirit
+40% damage resistance from ranged sources while active.
+100% damage vulnerability from melee sources while active.
Fists of Steel
Melee +20% fire damage vulnerability on wearer.
Southern Hospitality

Secondary While healing, provides healer and heal target with constant 10% resistance to the selected damage type.
Übercharge provides 75% resistance and full crit resistance to a selected damage type.
Secondary +50% fire damage resistance on wearer.
Grants full immunity to the effects of afterburn.
Darwin's Danger Shield
Melee 20% damage vulnerability from all sources on wearer when active.

Melee On Hit by Fire: Fireproof for 1 second and Afterburn immunity for 10 seconds.
PDA 2 +20% damage resistance when Cloaking.
Invis WatchEnthusiast's Timepiece
+20% damage resistance when Cloaking.
Cloak and Dagger
When being damaged (activating Dead Ringer), blocks 75% of incoming damage and gives afterburn immunity for 3 seconds.
After Dead Ringer has been activated, 65% damage resistance on wearer which fades to 20% in 3 seconds.
Dead Ringer

Update history

How Much Dmg Does A Sniper Bullet Do You Look

  • Fixed the Flamethrower hit detection

December 17, 2010 Patch (Australian Christmas)

  • [Undocumented] Melee weapons no longer deal bullet damage.
  • [Undocumented] Melee weapons no longer count as bullet weapons when accounting for damage vulnerabilities.

See also

How Much Dmg Does A Sniper Bullet Documentary

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