What Is The Renekton Dmg Combo S7


Hello there,
I've been recently facing Olaf as Renekton top, and I can't seem to perform even decently against him. Now, I'm not that skilled of a player (only Silver IV at the moment), and I wouldn't dare to say I'm a good Renek or that Olaf needs a nerf or whatever, but the feeling of 'I'm not doing it right' is much stronger when against Olaf than in other matchups, so I guess I'm doing something wrong and I'm asking for hints or help. Maybe it's a lost lane for Renekton, I don't know, but I've read a couple of guides and they don't picture it as hard as I'm finding it myself.
So, what I'm doing:
AD quint/marks, armor seals, mr glyphs.
9/21/0 masteries, I think it's pretty standard.
Ignite/Flash (I'm thinking about maybe Teleport, to be able to keep up since I don't seem to kill him with ignite anyway)
I start with w (maybe I manage to harass with a stun at level 1, but I don't force it). Then e, and I try to slice in, w, aa, dice out from time to time, specially if Olaf uses q and misses or if he's going to last hit caster minions. Then I max q and use it in the harassment as well.
For the first levels, I seem to win trades, but not by much. By the time he's 5 or 6, if I try to do aforementioned combo I start to lose in the trade due to his e (and sometimes q) while he quickly lifesteals up the damage. So bit by bit I'm pushed at my tower, and bit by bit I'm going low hp while he's up and mostly safe from ganks due to his R. I tried to build for sustain, a bit of damage and wave clear with tiamat, but I couldn't keep up with him. I tried to build sunfire for tankiness and some wave clear, but no avail either. I'm usually back at my tower just fencing him off till it comes to a point a dive with his jungler or a back for me just seals that tower's fate.
I tried telling my jungler to either pressure heavily my lane at the beginning before I start losing and then after his level 6 or even at all just don't gank him so my jungler can focus on making the other lanes win by a stomp while I stave off this Olaf winning the lane as much as I can, so we end up winning overall.
I'm not sure if this would be a smart strategy though. So far it hasn't worked and Olaf came out of early game being a beast in teamfights being more farmed than me while I didn't have much presence if at all, and I'm blamed for it. I don't know though if this is because it's a bad strategy or just because the other lanes and jungler didn't manage to secure enough advantage to offset my lose.
So, any tips? Would that be a good way to deal with it? What am I doing wrong, what would you suggest to build, or do, at least to dampen my losing lane?
Thank you!

What Is The Renekton Dmg Combo S7 Case

What Is The Renekton Dmg Combo S7

What Is The Renekton Dmg Combo S7 2

Renekton does higher dps, but has less CC and burst. Renekton is good if you want an AoE damage based tanky dps. He does very high damage and is capable of soloing almost any character at level 6. Renekton also has exceptional burst damage when his ragebar is full.
Xin Zhao does very high early game damage with his charge and knockup combo. He is very difficult to run away from if you level charge first, because its cooldown is so short he can frequently charge twice in a short period of time. This means he can stick like glue to most characters. His amazing gap closer combined with his powerful AoE initation/steriod make him a valuable character.
Of the two, Renekton is probably the less useful character. He does high damage, but his intial lack of survivability combined with the fact that he has to be in the middle of a fight make him a liability. He is also vulnerable to kiting.
Xin Zhao does less damage, but is almost impossible to kite between his charge and hard CC knockup. He has high starting survivability. Since the role of any melee dps is to take out the ranged carry/casters of the team, Xin zhao proves superior in this respect.

What Is The Renekton Dmg Combo S7 Download

If you play renekton correctly he should do enough dmg to threaten the back line with good flash W usage. At this point renekton needs to do more than be a suicide bomber. He has to survive the retaliation and keep dishing out dps using the MAW spell vamp passive. I've noticed that renekton is a good snowballer but he gets shut down way too easily. May 03, 2012  I love playing both champs, destroying champs in 1 combo with 100 fury and 2v1ing them and their jungler at level 6 with renekton is awesome. Riven is probably one of the most fun champs i've played, incredibly mobile, tons of damage, can stack AD if ahead and not be blown up in seconds due to her mobility and 1:1 AD scaling shield, amazingly strong duelist and safe pick.