5 Dmg Or Crusader On Mh As Rogue One
Sep 17, 2019 1 Introduction 2 Easy Mode 3 Spell Summary 4 Builds and Talents 5 Azerite Traits and Armor 6 Essences 7 Rotation, Cooldowns, and Abilities 8 Mythic+ Tips 9 Ny'alotha as Assassination Rogue 10 The Eternal Palace as Assassination Rogue 11 Stat Priority 12 Gems, Enchants, and Consumables 13 Macros and Addons 14 Gear and Best in Slot 15 Simulations. Mar 13, 2016 Re: Dagger Rogue PVE Weapon Enchantments. As youfie said.on oh 15 agility ofc.on mh though, form me at least 15 agility is better cause u get +4 max dmg instead of 5 but its no big deal.+ 15 ap +0.5.
- You have one crusader enchant (regardless of mh/oh) - when it procs, you get 100 str + 75-125 healing for 15 sec - if it procs again during these 15 secs, the 15.
- » Rogue » Help TheoryCrafting - +5 dmg or 15 agi MH twink AB enchant. +5 dmg or 15 agi MH twink AB enchant. Though crusader used to be awesome as well, donno.
- Oct 17, 2010 » Rogue » Help TheoryCrafting - +5 dmg or 15 agi MH twink AB enchant; Thread: Help. Private Message View Started Threads High Overlord Join Date May 2008 Posts 141. Help TheoryCrafting - +5 dmg or 15 agi MH twink AB enchant Hey all! I need some help theorycrafting. I have a 19 twink sub rogue, and boy is she happy. Though crusader used.
- Crusader does have other aspects which give it a slight edge, like use with AR/BF and the fact it affects your OH. In total, crusader MH as a dagger rogue is 'better', but it is isn't really. This would be maybe 1-1.5 dps better with AR being used and less than that in general. People like to promote +5 weapon dmg is better hands down, but it.
- Nov 23, 2019 To be entirely fair, if there’s room for Hemorrhage’s debuff (and that’s a big if) it can provide up to about 120dps Thats exactly what I told to my Raid leader when I wanted to raid with a PVP spec XD. On the other hand, if you look at this from the “raid effectiveness” point, there is no point at all to gear up the hemo rogue even if you bring one in your raid, cause gear will do.