Can Applying To Much Pressure To Cpu Dmg It

Before getting started

To install a new processor in a desktop computer, review each section and follow the steps on this page.

You can take the heatspreader off your CPU, replace the thermal compound with a better material, and significantly lower your CPU temperature, with much less risk than you'd take delidding a. Remove the mildew, grime, dirt and stains that over time damage it; Return it to its former aesthetic glory increasing your home’s curb appeal (and dollar value) Avoid paying $10,000 for the look and function of a brand new driveway. Before jumping into it, you should know there IS a proper way to pressure wash your concrete or brick driveway. Step 2 - The oil pressure sender is responsible for supplying feedback data to the gauge or computer. If this sensor fails it can give a false reading causing the gauge to read at its highest point. If this sensor fails it can give a false reading causing the gauge to read at its highest point. Jun 20, 2003  A new study shows that applying more than a light amount of pressure to your teeth or brushing longer than two minutes doesn't make them any cleaner and may increase the risk of oral health problems. Experts say many people believe that the longer.

  1. Write down important information from the of the processor, such as the Model Number, Serial Number, and specifications.
  2. Ensure you are familiar with ESD and its potential dangers.
  3. When physically installing the processor, ensure the computer is off and that the power is disconnected.

Remove previous processor

If a processor is already installed in the computer, it must be removed before a new processor can be added.

If the processor is a socket processor and has an attached heat sink, it must first be removed before the processor can be removed. Most socket heat sinks have a wire to supply power to the fan, first remove this wire. Next, you should notice clips on either side processor holding it in place. Press down on the larger end of the clip and move it away from the processor to release one end and allow the heat sink to be removed.

Once the heat sink is removed, if your processor uses a ZIF socket processor, remove the processor by locating a small arm on the side of the processor. The arm is a small metal bar and moving the bar from a horizontal to a vertical position releases the processor.

If your processor is a LIF processor, you need a processor and chip remove tool to remove the processor. If you are adding a new processor, it is likely that this tool is included with the processor. If not, it can be purchased at a local computer shop or computer retail store. Place the tool between the processor and the socket. Then, gently work the processor out of the socket, a little on each side at a time. When doing this, be careful not to bind or break any of the pins.

If your processor is a slot processor, the heat sink does not need to be removed and in most cases cannot be removed. To remove a slot processor, locate two tabs on either side of the processor. Move these slots to the outward position and the processor should be able to be removed by vertically pulling it out.

Install processor

Once the previous processor is removed from the computer, follow the steps below for installing your processor.

Socket processor

If you are installing a ZIF socket processor into the computer, begin first by moving the metal arm located on one of the sides of the socket to a vertical position. Next, examine the top of the processor that should have a small dot in one of the corners. This dot indicates where pin one is located on the bottom of the processor. Next, examine the socket on the motherboard. The socket should have a missing hole or should have a 1 indicating pin one. Position the processor so both pin1 and hole1 match and then place the processor down.

If properly positioned, now when moving the metal arm to the down or horizontal position, it should firmly connect the processor.

If you are installing a LIF socket processor, first examine the top of the processor and locate pin one, located with a small white dot. Once pin one is located, look at the socket and locate pin one on the socket on the motherboard. The socket pin one is located by finding a missing hole or a small '1' next to one of the four corners.

Once the pins are aligned properly, gently press the processor into the socket until it is firmly attached.

Slot processor


Finally, if you are installing a slot processor, first move the tabs on either side of the support brackets to the outward position. Next, install the processor by pressing the processor into the slot. Once installed into the brackets the two tabs should snap into place.

Apply heat compound

Thermal grease is a special compound which you can apply to the surface of the CPU before attaching the heat sink. It helps conduct heat away from the CPU and into the sink, and can lower the temperature of your CPU.

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Attach heat sink

Once the processor is installed and the heat compound applied, attach the computer heat sink to the processor.


Users who have a socket processor, when attaching the heat sink clip, ensure not to scratch the motherboard with the clip. Also, when attaching the heat sink bracket to the plastic clip, be careful because if too much pressure is applied to the plastic clip, it will break.

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  • Computer processor help and support.

Buying tips and help

  • Computer processor buying tips.

Additional information

  • See our CPU definition for further information and related links.

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From the WebMD Archives

June 20, 2003 -- Less may be more when it comes to brushing your teeth. A new study shows that applying more than a light amount of pressure to your teeth or brushing longer than two minutes doesn't make them any cleaner and may increase the risk of oral health problems.

Experts say many people believe that the longer and harder you brush your teeth, the better it is for your teeth. But the study shows there's a limit to the amount of pressure your teeth can take, and beyond that extra force or time doesn't do any further good.

Researcher Peter Heaseman, professor of periodontology at the Newcastle University's School of Dental Sciences, says the goal of brushing your teeth is to remove plaque, the sticky substance that can harden on teeth and gums when bits of food are left in the mouth. Plaque buildup can cause problems beyond just cavities, such as gum disease. But brushing too hard or for too long can damage the protective enamel on your teeth or irritate your gums and cause other oral health problems.

A Light Touch for Two Minutes

Researchers studied the brushing techniques and times of 12 volunteers who used electric toothbrushes during a four-week study. The participants were taught how to use the oscillating toothbrush, which was hooked up to a computer that took time and pressure measurements. Researchers compared 16 combinations of various brushing times and pressures. Plaque levels on the teeth were also recorded before and after brushing.

They found that plaque removal improved with longer brushing time up to two minutes and with greater pressure up to 150 grams of pressure, which is about the weight of an orange.

'Although we found that you have to brush your teeth reasonably long and hard to get rid of the harmful plaque which causes dental diseases, our research shows that once you go beyond a certain point, you aren't being any more effective,' says Heaseman, in a news release. 'You could be actually harming your teeth and gums.'

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Heaseman says the same results would also be expected if the volunteers had used ordinary toothbrushes rather than the electronic versions.

Researchers say the force necessary to brush your teeth is actually quite light because the pressure is being applied to a very small area.

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'If you are unsure how to go about brushing your teeth, the best thing to do is to make an appointment with your dentist or dental hygienist who will be able to train you in the correct techniques and will show you approximately how much pressure you should be applying,' says Heaseman.