Champions Does Massive Aoe Dmg

Champions does massive aoe dmg update

Champions Does Massive Aoe Dmg Free

Brand has a lot of AOE damage. As does Gragas. Annie can do a surprising amount due to Tibbers burn. Xerath has a fair bit of AOE damage although he's more about poking from range than pure bursting now. (although his ult is a terrifying thing.) Anivia is pretty nice if you don't mind sustained AOE damage. Most AP champs have good AOE really. Brand hits for massive AOE magic damage The Burning Vengeance is quite a menace when it comes to team fights. His ultimate, Pyroclasm, and his passive, Blaze, do massive amounts of damage to grouped up teams. At the moment AoE+CC is almost unstoppable. A team comprising of champions like, but not limited to, Vlad, Sona, Nunu, Amumu, Fortune, Galio, Fiddlesticks, Kennen and Anivia would be amazing at team fights. Most teams I think though focus around AoE + CC ults, like Amumu and Galio. These are the ones you really need to watch out for.

Champions does massive aoe dmg 10

Nice suggestion, but it does limp a bit. Sure, you can push all three lanes, but what prevents them from just walking about ganking you penny packet? Putting all the stuff in magic res is equally useless because many of the heavy CCers are tanks (Galio, Amumu, Nunu) which means without heavy dmg equipment they dont NEED their ultimates. They can just tank you all day long while pushing the towers or focus you down one at a time if you don't keep the distance.
Part of the problem is that champs that are perfectly viable in a normal team comp (like Yi, taric or akali, for instance) are completely unsuitable for a fight against a high number of cc heavy, non squishy off tanks with AoE dmg. Build them defensively to survive the CCs and you cant do **** to them even if they dont use em. Don't do it and they will rape you before you can do dmg, anyways. The fact that Miss fortune can rape with dps even if she doesnt build for ulti and Sona can heal them up between clashes doesnt hurt, either. xD
Since I assume he is playing in nonranked (Under level 30 kind of implied that) they couldn't have seen the enemy team composition beforehand to pick tank killers or the few champs that are pretty much immune to cc atttempts/effective dmg dealers in a full tank build. That means he probably has physical carries, casters, and maybe a jungler, all of which usually need every coin they can get invested in offensive stuff, or end up a laughingstock, dmg wise, while heavy cc tanks are designed to be at least somewhat of a threat while built tankish. (Otherwise, why focus them?).
The same thing is obviously completely different in ranked, where you can actually see what they did thar and attempt to counter pick such people as mordekaiser (who can survive most cc ultis and do dmg with sunfire/ult/shield while stunned) or map awareness champs such as teemo or nidalee to actually pull of your 'push all three lanes' strategy without getting rurprise bush raped. Situations may vary with the actual champs used by both sides, of course. o.o
So we will just have to wait until RIOT either changes the balance focus from CC to something else, or wait for ranked where you can actually prepare for such tactics. xD

Champions Does Massive Aoe Dmg Build


Which champions have the highest theoretical sustained damage output with an optimal build? Which champions have the highest theoretical sustained damage output with an optimal build? Swain does is no where one of the champions who does the most amount of sustained damage.