Leveling Ele Dmg Stat Stick

Dec 21, 2017  Hey guys, I am going to share an amazing Inquisitor Templar build for all Path of Exile players, of course, if you are interested in Duelist, you can check my another build guide. This build is. ZIGGYD's Beginners Righteous Fire Marauder - 7 Days to RF Experiement Share. Breaking down the entire process from leveling to endgame farming in only 7 days YouTube guides, skill setups, gearing, passives & everything else you need to know! Stat Stick + Whirling Blades: Recommended Leveling: RF Viability without Snapshotting.

Feb 15, 2019  Unfortunately builds like these arent available to you while leveling, since you'd lose the rune / sigil boni whenever you get a gear upgrade and those stat combinations aren't available in core tyria. So, for leveling at least, I'd suggest to stick to a power focused spec. Stanley leveling tools are reliable, suitable for short and long range leveling inside and outside of a building. In most of application a single person is able to operate a device. Stanley leveling tools are easy to set up and use. Based on its experience and expertise in building Stanley prepared whole range of high quality leveling tools along. Feb 11, 2017  So so far i got following legendaries.: RESTO belt (ye i fucked up the loot specc at the beginning of 110 while doing random heroics as heal) Chainlightning wrists (meh. Okay´ish in m+ but there are better ones.) PRDYAZ (3 in total on my acc. Fuck this neck). AND NOW I GOT TRINKET?!?! The on use is shit as fuck. 800k dmg / 75 seconds which is 10k dmg boost lulz. Top 10 Path of Exile Leveling Uniques. Today we would like to give you some leveling tips and present the most useful leveling unique items. There are plenty of uniques that you can use during leveling, that's why we have decided to select the Top 10 Leveling Uniques in Path of Exile. Nov 23, 2015  Also what are the stat priorities while leveling? Sakuraba Sergeant. Re: best way to level shaman ENH. With the fact of flametongue as your main dmg source in the back of your head, there are 2 main points you want to get in your spec, 1 is flurry and elemental weapons in your enha tree, 2 is to boost your spell crits for them to deal 200%.

Find out what are the best and most useful leveling items in Path of Exile

Today we would like to give you some leveling tips and present the most useful leveling unique items. There are plenty of uniques that you can use during leveling, that's why we have decided to select the Top 10 Leveling Uniques in Path of Exile. Some of those items listed can be bought right after you start, and you will be able to get to the mapping phase with them still equipped.

Leveling ele dmg stat stick reviews

We have also decided to skip the weapon slot. It is pretty much the only slot that requires you to upgrade it periodically or you might be missing on some of the required DPS. This is the very reason we would rather give you tips on how and when to change your weapons.

Top 10 Path of Exile Leveling uniques

Keep in mind that items on our list are not sorted from worst to best or the other way around except for Tabula Rasa and Perandus signet which is in our opinion the best leveling combination, which is suitable for any build and any character class.

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Tabula Rasa is the most popular (and most likely the best) Path of Exile leveling unique. It is extremely expensive during the first days of new Leagues. Tabula Rasa found during first 24hours of a newly started League is worth around the same as 15 Exalted Orbs of Standard Mode (permanent League). It works best with either of the following rings (Perandus Signet and Praxis) or even two of them. Mana cost of spells and abilities 6-linked on early levels is very high (Each support gem have mana multipliers on them, affecting the supported gem mana cost). It has no level requirements
Perandus Signet - is just another excellent leveling item. It's rather expensive early on. However, it's worth every Chaos Orb it costs. Not only helps you with mana management while using fully linked Tabula Rasa but will also increase experience gain, making the entire process much faster. You can get it as early as level 1
Praxis - a cheaper version of the Perandus Signet. You won't be able to use it right away, but it should come in handy right when you actually can 6-link your spells in Tabula Rasa (there are not that many available support gems at starting levels). It provides better mana regeneration bonuses and is much cheaper, however, you might be missing the % increased experience gain
Goldrim - this is the best leveling unique helmet. It's also one of the best elemental resistance helmets overall. It makes it completely viable until late game. We have confirmed players using it till levels 80+, and we advise you not to enforce upgrades to this slot until you want to swap to your final gear and build
Seven-League Step - amazing leveling boots. This piece, however, is suggested to players with a higher budget. Not only these boots are rather expensive, but their lack of defensive stats will force you to make up for it with investments in other gear slots.
Wanderlust boots are a more budget-friendly option. They provide very decent 20% movement speed bonus, as well as extra Mana Regeneration (once again, if using Tabula Rasa it's a perfect combination)
Meginord's Girdle - this is a fantastic belt for both melee and ranged physical fighters. Grants amazing physical damage bonus, as well as Increased maximum life attribute, which scales well - all the way to the end-game. This is a very cheap unique item, and there are a lot of physical damage budget builds that suggest using it even after level 70
Atziri's Foible (All classes) - pretty much the best leveling amulet in Path of Exile. Grants amazing mana and mana regeneration bonuses, while also lowering attribute requirements to items and gems
Karui Ward (projectile/bow builds) - another great option for rangers and projectile-based spellcasters. Will provide moderately good damage boost, as well as a very important leveling stat which is the Increased Movement Speed bonus
Sidhebreath (summoners/casters) - the third amulet on the list is made for summoner characters. It is rather common that spellcasters use summon spells while leveling(acting as tanks/meatshields), that's why an amulet with increased regeneration rate and various minion-related affixes is always a good option

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General tips on how to upgrade your weapon

After starting a new character you should grab a starting weapon for your specific character class and build. All the following item upgrades should be easily affordable with just the self-found leveling PoE currency. Our recommendations are:

  1. Spell damage/Caster class - Lifesprig. We have confirmed people leveling up to levels 50+ with Lifesprig. It's a very decent wand, and as long as you can afford to get good linked items in other slots, you should be able to level up with this till at least level 40. After level 30 you can freely look for higher spell damage wands up to your personal preference. You can also upgrade the wand to one of the following commonly used wands: Reverbation Rod (level 24), Tulborn (Cold spells - level 24) or Amplification Rod at level 36. Keep in mind you can dual-wield wands to get additional stats.
  2. Ranged/Bow user- Silverbranch being your starting bow. Later on, you can upgrade it at levels 9/32/44 to Stormcloud / Death's Harp / Death's Opus or other high physical damage uniques/rares
  3. Melee physical class - Redbeak or Last Resort(for claw users) as your starting weapon. Usually, it is the best solution to upgrade the weapon to the highest Physical DPS weapon you find during leveling, with optionally grabbing a good piece on poe.trade(according to the guidelines provided) every 10~ levels
  4. Summoner - same as Spell damage/Caster class. Your minions won't deal enough damage, so you have to stick with spellcasting anyway, until like level 40+.

You should always look for weapon upgrades as soon as you are feeling you aren't handling the current level of enemies (or simply the leveling is taking too long). Here are general tips on how to set the filters for each build type:

  1. Spell damage/Caster class-you should be able to easily get to level 50+ with just the wands listed above. If you can't do that, it's not the wand that is failing here. Check your gem levels, links and passive points - you should find the cause there. After level 40-45 you can start looking for high spell damage rare wands. Wands with at least +60 increased spell damage and some other beneficial stats should be relatively cheap even on newly formed Leagues
  2. Physical Weapons (both 1H/2H and Bows)- this is rather easy to upgrade. You go to poe.trade, select the weapon you want to buy (1H or 2H, Bow, etc.), enter your current level as the maximum level requirement in search filters, set max. price to 1 Alchemy Orb/1 Chaos Orb (or whatever else you can afford at the current level) and click the 'Search!' button. After getting the results, you should click on the first item's pDPS stats to sort all the results by the highest physical damage item available to you and just buy it.

This method will easily get you to level 70s when you start about to get the required items for your build.


Buying PoE Currency with real money is a hassle-free way to get all the items you need for your character.

We would love to hear your opinions about the listed items, or if you have another suggestion feel free to leave that in the comments.

Leveling Ele Dmg Stat Stick Download

Leveling Ele Dmg Stat Stick

Pictures used in this article are the intellectual property of Grinding Gear Games.


Physical Attack builds benefit more from standard jewels than from abyss jewels.

I can't understand your point.
Pure phys attack builds don't benefit much from abyss jewels if at all (brutality).
Phys to ele convertion builds benefit by a lot from abyss jewels, much more than from conventional jewels.
Both pure phys (without brutality) and phys convertion attack builds benefit from stat sticks.

Phys to ele conversion build DO NOT benefit more from abyss jewels than normals ones because they don't make use of flat added ele dmg.
Build that use shaper stat-sticks don't get to use crazy abyss jewels. Build that use crazy 100 flat ele dmg abyss jewels don't use shaper stat-sticks.
Not gonna explain that further. I'm either horrendously mistaken or you just don't get it.

noone cares about maces but you get the point. On ele conversion builds you mostly scale with crit, which scales phys and ele the same way. For ele conversion, you take phys + ele abyss jewel. Your only opportunity cost is a 10% global multi roll on an abyss jewel.
Posted by
on Apr 12, 2018, 2:27:53 PM
I think they're exploiting a flaw in the design that the developers simply haven't figured out how they want to fix. It makes zero sense from a gaming perspective that you should benefit more from an item that you CAN'T use than one that you can.
They might never fix it. They might think it's cute. I think it makes their game look silly and is an embarrassment.

It hurts me to say this, but I agree with you 100%.
While the idea of stat sticks can be found in several games, the idea is stupid - especially when it comes to attacking builds. I can 'understand' having a magic wand in your offhand that enhances your spells in addition to your main hand. But attacks? The fact that you get more attacking power with a low DPS weapon with certain mods, than a GG DPS weapon? Just BS.
This said, I am playing a DW Sunder - with a certain Shaper rare in my offhand - with a million DPS. Fun? Yes. But stupid. As it stands, there's not even one good reason to go with a two-hander these days, if you don't want to handicap yourself on every front.
If your dad doesn't have a beard, you've got two mums
Posted by
on Apr 12, 2018, 2:48:00 PM

Phys to ele conversion build DO NOT benefit more from abyss jewels than normals ones because they don't make use of flat added ele dmg.

Only pure phys builds with stat stick conversion on top (because why not, it's free) don't benefit much from abyss jewels.
You may be confused of what a 'conversion build' is. In PoE, by this term players usually define a build which utilizes the converted portion of the overall damage, or at least heavily support it.
This is a buff © 2016
The Experts ™ 2017
Posted by
on Apr 12, 2018, 2:59:25 PM
Stat sticks arent that bad... I mean a 3 stat one is ridiculous but two stats feels right.
The elemental conversion builds have been top dog for a while, stat sticks just help keep them meta.
Its not so op that it makes everything else bad though, plenty of build diversity out there.
Posted by
on Apr 12, 2018, 3:10:17 PM
The most insane damage numbers by far can be seen in the Ranger section of the forum, elemental projectile attack-based. Not statsticks.
As far as early league budget starters and bosskiller builds go, it's miners, totems, summoners.
The type of build which uses statsticks is actually a bit subpar, all things considered. Still good, of course, and I enjoy playing dual wielders.
So, what would happen if they nerfed statsticks? The selection of strong, viable builds would decrease, more people would migrate to the other top-tier builds, the whining would get redirected to them, they'll probably eat the nerf hammer too down the line, something else will get buffed to fill the void, and the circle will be closed, and...
“The Wheel of Nerfs turns, and builds come and pass, leaving memories that become legend. Legend fades to myth, and even myth is long forgotten when the build that gave it birth comes again.”
The Wheel of Nerfs turns, and builds come and pass, leaving memories that become legend. Legend fades to myth, and even myth is long forgotten when the build that gave it birth comes again.
Posted by
on Apr 12, 2018, 3:41:01 PM
They shouldn't be 'nerfed'... they should be removed entirely. Mods similar to the ones on the stat sticks should appear on shields or weapons that could be used by the skill in question. The idea of 'stat stick' should never have come up.
Posted by
on Apr 12, 2018, 3:45:56 PM
From a suspension of disbelief point, I get it.
Although, if we go there, there should be no dual wielding to begin with. The entire concept of dual wielding is preposterous from a martial arts perspective. The closest you can get to it is some rapier and dagger styles where the offhand dagger is mostly used for parrying.
Also, having a weapon in each hand doesn't magically make everything better. No. It makes your hits worse in terms of coordination and speed and pretty much everything if you're actually trying to use both weapons offensively.
If you go that route and bring it to its logical conclusion, all dual wielding the way it's handled in RPGs should be removed. Sword/mace/axe + some sort of shield or two-handed weapons only.
p.s. also, the guys in heavy plate with the big two-handers would wipe the floor with everything else, it wouldn't be even close.
p.p.s. that's why we have fantasy games
The Wheel of Nerfs turns, and builds come and pass, leaving memories that become legend. Legend fades to myth, and even myth is long forgotten when the build that gave it birth comes again.
Posted by
on Apr 12, 2018, 4:12:04 PM
Stat sticks are definitely OP, combined with the improved by recent patches ele damage (jewels, items, skill tree support).
Expect stat sticks heavily nerfed in near future. This applies to any intentionally OP features specially designed to serve as play toys for the masses with the intention to keep them online for longer.

Nope, they just made shield throw to take full advantage of shaper sticks, along with the shield throw mtx. They're here to stay
Meta = cattle
-ty men
Posted by
on Apr 12, 2018, 7:02:39 PM
The most insane damage numbers by far can be seen in the Ranger section of the forum, elemental projectile attack-based. Not statsticks.
As far as early league budget starters and bosskiller builds go, it's miners, totems, summoners.
The type of build which uses statsticks is actually a bit subpar, all things considered. Still good, of course, and I enjoy playing dual wielders.
So, what would happen if they nerfed statsticks? The selection of strong, viable builds would decrease, more people would migrate to the other top-tier builds, the whining would get redirected to them, they'll probably eat the nerf hammer too down the line, something else will get buffed to fill the void, and the circle will be closed, and...
“The Wheel of Nerfs turns, and builds come and pass, leaving memories that become legend. Legend fades to myth, and even myth is long forgotten when the build that gave it birth comes again.”

I agree.
... nothing
Posted by
on Apr 12, 2018, 7:59:26 PM
Posted by
on Apr 12, 2018, 9:41:03 PM

Leveling Ele Dmg Stat Stick 2017

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