Ryze is one of the best users of Phase Rush due to his natural 3-part combo, which also stacks with the extra movement speed gained from Overload's shield; allowing him to easily both catch up or run away as the situation requires. Sep 06, 2019 🔥 Help me reach 50.000 Subscribers 🔥 Also LIKE 👍 and 💯 SUBSCRIBE 💯 for more new and amazing content!! 💙 ULTIMATE RYZE BUILD 🔥 INSANE DAMAGE & SUSTAIN. Passive: Ryze's other basic abilities reset Overload's cooldown and charge a Rune for 4 seconds, up to 2. Active: Ryze unleashes a runic blast in the target direction, dealing magic damage to the first enemy struck and consuming all of his Runes. If Ryze consumes 2 Runes, he gains bonus movement speed for 2 seconds.
I've been playing Ryze pretty much lately in normals and in rankeds.
My winrate with him is something like 33/30 so it isn't the best one.
I often find myself dominating my lane and then roaming to help my team but often it still leads to a lost game.
So my question is, how do you carry as Ryze?
The only way you really have to carry is to win teamfights for your team.
Since Ryze is a terrible pusher, you need to have a jungler who can push for you but in solo Q you often get junglers who just farm up their Feral flare and lategame do not push what so ever.
What do you do in a situation like this, I mean you cant splitpush as Ryze so what other way is there to really win your game?
Other than that I have a few other questions:
What do you build atm as Ryze Top? My usual build is: Tear, RoA, Mpen or MR boots, Frozen Heart, Banshees or Visage, and last item is either voidstaff or another RoA. Is that fine or do you have some better options? Do you build him much differently when he's played on the midlane?
What Runes are the best for Ryze? I use: Red Mpen, Yellow HP and Armor, Blue MR and Quints Movementspeed
Are there better options?
What is the best Teamcomp to have Ryze in?
Thanks for your help!
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Middle Lane
Ability Order
Why do i write this guide when there are already the best guides?
Hi all :) I simply need to write all my thoughts of Ryze because i have been playing him since League of Legends has started. Ryze is champion that has very long history and many updates that has been made on him.In a few words, he started as AP carry. Next big update converted ryze to Mana AP Tank. But now, Ryze is AP carry again and he is ready for the action! Have a nice reading this guide.
Understanding the build
Ryze is supposed to be excelent damage dealer. In addition, he has very nice crowd control spell - which is really usable in chasing or kiting. Believe me, Ryze is not supposed to be tank so don't build him with Armor or Magic Resistance too much. Also, there is no reason to build Spell Vamp because the effect is really low and it will not save you in hard situations.Your main goal in early game is to stack your that's the reason why i put as the first item you need to buy at the base. Then, buy and . Why ? Your main goal is stack but how can you stack so fast when you don't have enough mana? And that's why.
Mid game is about building and . You will gain survivality, cooldowns, the best mana regen and magic resistance.
In late game you need to finish your build. As you know, early and mid game were about stacking mana but late game is about building AP and taking advantage of mana by converting to AP. At first, build from your . Next item is . will bring you something about 120AP and because you already circa 320AP, go for and max your AP! As the last item i choose - it gives you magic penetration, AP and it has very powerful passive against healthy opponents.
Don't forget to look at your spells - find out how much damage comes from AP, especially and . You will cause hard damage in late game to your enemies.
In short, early and mid game is about stacking mana and late game is about building AP.
Spell sequence
For the best output damage you need to understand Ryze's passive - . When Ryze casts a spell, all other spells have their cooldown reduced by 1 second. If you read carefuly you have to know this is key to the damage - not to cast all spells at once randomly!When you need kill really hard opponent with many HP:
Ryze Frontline Dmg Build Kit
+ + + + + + + + + +
Ryze Front Line Dmg Builder
When you need splash burst damage at once:+ + + + +
When you are trying to catch somebody:
+ + + + +
As you can see you need always to wait for your and the other spells are casted because of reload again. This is the key of Ryze's max DPS.