hey sn3eky,
AP is the way to go.
- A decent laning phase... even if outlaned and denyed, farm and exp gain can be kept to nearly 100% duo high dmg spammable wildcards
-more effective ult ganks, because of high burst dmg
-stronger in 1v1 (in case u have to get rid of 1 guy while splitpushing or something) duo his high pick a card into wild card burst... while repeating this the opponent can be kited very well.
-Faster in destroying towers... lichbane and a decent ammount of ap, and they fall so fast.
-easier to stay effective/alive during teamfights, because to do ur job you just have to throw your wildcards and use pick a card on cooldown... go in, use both skills, go out again, wait for the cooldown, repeat... long range high dmg wild card poking is also very strong and safe to perform
-Rapes squishys so hard
-duo good ap scalings still a pretty strong ap carry even in lategame (voidstaff ftw)
-less substained dps :P
The AD guy kinda sucks, fun for trolling arround but not really effective
-better substained dps then his ap fellowmate
-Nifty lanephase, poor harasment... if pushed into defensive once, its really hard to keep up the money flow as AD tf.
-Easy to takedown in teamfights, because of his low auto attack range and lack of ad scaling poking abilitys
-Only shines dmg wise during midgame, gets outdmged by other ad carrys pretty hard during later stages of the midgame and lategame
-Without a kill advantage even during his strong gameparts rather weak dmgwise, just good because of dirty ult ganks
-weaker in 1on1 since he cant put out his maximum ammount of dmg while kiting.
Go ap :P
Some TF players tend to play hybrid also... but i dont have any experience with this build nor have i ever seen a good hybrid tf to rly be able to say something about it
Runes for ap tf
red Mpen
yellow mp5 per lvl (yep, you got blue card, but it wont be enough, exspecially later in the game)
blue flat cd reduction (a good ammount of cdr on lvl 1 combined with the cdr of your masterys, since u just use 2 spells and nothing more, u want to do so as often as possible)
Quints flat HP (to deal with his very low HP pool in the first few levels)
Starting with mana crystal and 2 hp pots to get your sheen as soon as possible, get lichbane after that and round it up with rabadons :P
You can go pretty low on Def items as ap tf, because you can pretty much stay out of the critical range all the time and still do your stuff... in case everything doesnt work, you still got summoners.
Does Ap Or Ad Mf Do More Dmg File
- AP MF ( MID / SUPP ) 10.2. Miss Fortune build guides on MOBAFire. League of Legends Premiere Miss Fortune Strategy Builds and Tools.
- It has AP and AD scaling, but the more AD you get the more magic damage you deal (her W). Getting AP on the other hand will increase the ult's physical damage. That's kind of strange, because AD usually goes together with armor pen, while in this case you'd need magic pen.
- Jan 27, 2012 To just do 200 more dmg each 80 sec? I agree, MF tristand and graves have AP scaless too, but if you compare their ratios, we can see that tristana is AP carry while MF is a female version of Brand or what so ever.(Its a JOKE! Give us AD scales on Ashe's Ultimate! Reduce the base dmg, leave it as magic dmg, but AD scales!
- Specifically for AP MF, since she does a fair mix of magic and physical damage it wouldn't be a bad idea to do a little of both: sorc boots and mpen reds, and if they have lots of armor buy a LW or black cleaver to synergize with your ult.
Does Ap Or Ad Mf Do More Dmg Online
Mar 26, 2018 You max your Q first because it is a safe, somewhat accurate poke that you can use to get farm, so you can get more stacks of Phenomenal Evil, because if you do that, you will get way more AP. You max W second, because it will deal huge damage in the mid to late game. You max your E last because you don't need to constantly cast your stun cage. 12% hp scaling for shield E: Physical damage. 30% Armor, 30% Magic Res scaling R: Magic damage. 20% AP scaling So this is all over the place. There are champions with hybrid scaling like Shyvana, Kayle, and Kog but they at least have a primary damage source (Shyv/Kayle more magic, Kog more AD.